What's New

What's New at Amber Engine

Our team is constantly taking YOUR feedback and working to make PIM faster and easier to use in order to give you the best experience possible! Check all the latest updates below.

Here's what's new:
Data syncs between your Master Catalog and Channels have been greatly improved!

System Attributes can now be included in your custom Views. Fields like Created By, Updated By, and Last Updated can be added to your custom Attribute Views!

Blank values can now be included as a valid value in List Attributes.

We have updated many of the workflows around import and export, improving your experience using them!

We're always working to make Amber Engine better for you, and from time to time, needs to go down for maintenance. As opposed to alert emails you've received in the past, you will now be informed when we're in this state, and be advised when we're going to be back up and running on the home screen!
Here's what's new:
● Permissions: Admins can now easily assign Tags to Entities such as product lists, attribute views, data import, asset management, and channels. By matching these tags to a given User, they gain access to the corresponding Entities.

For example, if an administrator creates a list of North American products and assigns it the "North America" tag, then assigning user Amy that same "North America" tag grants her access to that list of products. Furthermore, adding the same tag to other lists, views, or channels also gives her access to those entities.

By leveraging this extremely customizable and flexible tool, administrators can now streamline user access control while ensuring that the right people have access to the right information.

● Asset upload enhancement: The asset upload process has been enhanced to be more communicative and reliable to our end users. Amber Engine users now have more visibility into the status of the process and the ability to minimize the upload modal and continue working in other parts of the application.

We're always working to make Amber Engine better for you, so this release also includes plenty of performance and quality-of-life improvements under the hood.
Here's what's new:
● Master Catalog scoring has been enhanced to recalculate based on the user's selected View.

The process of loading images while in the Master Catalog has been refined and streamlined based on user feedback. We've also enhanced the ability to export multiple asset URLs from the gallery.

Want to know more about how to use Amber Engine? You can now quickly get your answers via our live chatbot.

The channel mapping experience has been reworked to simplify and provide more actionable information to the user.

We're always working to make Amber Engine better for you, so this release also includes plenty of performance and quality-of-life improvements under the hood.
Here's what's new:
● New Item Update API endpoint Programmatically updating your small batches of product data is now easier than ever with the new Item Update API endpoint (currently only supports JSON file formats).

In various areas, tooltips have been added to mapping menus to reveal truncated text that previously made it hard to distinguish like named categories.

● Assets were enhanced to prevent duplicates - from being created and linked during the product data import as well as fixing missing asset URLs during export.

● Several quality-of-life improvements - in Channels and the Channel mapping experience.

We're always working to make Amber Engine better for you, so this release also includes plenty of performance and quality-of-life improvements under the hood.
Here are the latest release highlights:
● Channel Mapping -The Channel Mapping experience has again been enhanced to include improvements in overall mapping performance as well as enhancements to greatly improve how you, the user, control validation and scoring within the capability. Users now have the ability to manage when scoring and validation are kicked off. Rather than scoring kicking off with every change, users can now stack up their changes and kick off the refresh when they are ready.

● New Export API endpoint - Programmatically exporting your product data is now easier than ever with the new Export API endpoint. This simplifies the process of connecting your third-party applications to PIM.

● New component for multi and single-select list -We've again optimized the way that you can select and search for multiple items from list data types within the Master Catalog, Channel, and PDP. This will make it easier to quickly search for and navigate to Valid/Invalid values in your dataset.

● List to list mapping is now mapped live Previously, changes in Master Catalog required those changes to be remapped in channels, but once a mapping is defined in channels for lists, this update now happens automatically.

As always, we're constantly working to make Amber Engine better for you, so this release additionally includes plenty of performance and quality-of-life improvements under the hood.
Here are the latest improvements…
● Channel Mapping -The Channel Mapping experience has been enhanced to include improvements in overall mapping performance as well as enhancements to greatly improve validation and scoring within the capability.
  • ○ Users can also now filter by Conditional attributes as well as Required and Optional.
  • ○ Additionally, look for a red bar to highlight your Required attribute columns and an amber bar to highlight your Conditional attribute columns within the data grid display.

● The Material Bank Channel publish screen received various enhancements. Default values of selectable fields have been updated to make selections more intuitive and the 'Website to Scrape' field is now required when 'Scrape Website' is selected from the 'Ticket Information' dropdown.

○ When you're requesting to have Material Bank scrape your website, please be sure to provide the correct URL.

We're always working to make Amber Engine better for you, so this release also includes plenty of performance and quality-of-life improvements under the hood.
Here are the latest release highlights…
● Material Bank Dashboard / Landing Page - A new landing page is available to be activated for Material Bank brands. Material Bank brands will get an at a glance view of Products, Assets, and Channels as well as other useful information depending on the user's role.

● Special Instructions - Users will have the option to add additional instructions regarding their data when publishing to Material Bank.
We're always working to make Amber Engine better for you, so this release also includes plenty of performance and quality-of-life improvements under the hood.
Here's what's rolling out...
A custom delimiter: This means your attribute lists don't HAVE to use comma separators for multiple attributes. You can use pipes, spaces, tabs, semicolons, or newline! Whatever you think looks prettiest…

Multi-value attribute lists are easier to create: When you go to type in the attribute values into the columns of the lists you create, an auto-complete and search option will make it super fast and easy.

Conditional validation now enhanced with conditional LISTS: now, when populating a cell from a list of accepted values, the PIM will filter to ONLY those values you've restricted.
Integrated Efficiency for MB Users.

Simplify data management, boost sales, increase profitability and launch products super fast with a built-in PIM (Product Information Management software)

Simplify Data Management
Easily make mass changes to data
Eliminate tedious manual edits with Excel-based syntax
Boost Your Sales
Use built-in data quality scores to check data health
Visualize all products and assets together
Material Bank Acquisition

Material Bank, the world's largest marketplace for searching, sampling, and specifying architecture, design, and construction materials, announces the addition of an integrated product information management (PIM) software to support its brand partners in preparing their product data for market.

The PIM functionality is a starter version of the larger Amber Engine PIM, and the announcement came shortly after Material Bank acquired Amber Engine in March 2022. The move has made the next-gen PIM technology available to over 450 Material Bank partners.

Read more at https://yhoo.it/3NpaDK8

Next-Gen PIM

Next-Gen Product Data
for the Superior Digital Experience


Digital commerce changes fast, and your product data requirements with it. Ditch the data management and use the next-gen Product Information Management (PIM) tech paired with AI-powered insights* to launch to new heights.

*Amber AI currently in demo

Learn more at https://www.amberengine.com/pim-software