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How-to Happify the Holidays

‘Tis the season! The elf is on the shelf, but your inner Grinch is showing. Here’s how you can hurdle the humbug and embrace the holly, jolly spirit of the season.

How do I happify the holiday retail rush?

  1. Take care of yourself and your staff. Hydration and healthy snacks are key to keeping headaches at bay. Just be sure to limit the amount of caffeine and sugar you ingest – both cause mood-altering energy crashes that are scarier than the Ghost of Christmas Future!  

  2. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Everyone will walk, stand and move more during this time of year. Keep spirits bright by wearing items that won’t pinch, pull, hurt or be overly cumbersome.

  3. Bring your own lunch and take your break in a calm area – like the company lunch room or in your car – not the busiest restaurant in town. The more you’re able to minimize stimuli during your down time, the more you’ll effectively disconnect and re-up your energy for the remainder of the shopping day.

Do holiday shoppers really expect happiness during the holidays?

According to Bazaar voice’s newest report, “Unwrap Customer Insights for Your Best Holiday Season,” 42% of consumer shop in-store for a festive environment. So, it pays to amp up the very merry!

Besides, the festive mood and inquisitive attitude of your store associates helps loosen the wallets of spontaneous shoppers. The study also showed that 42% of holiday shoppers don’t make a list and prefer to browse as they go. And a whopping 57% buy impulsively during the holidays! Capture that crowd by asking, “Who else do you have on your list? What might they like?”

Yeah, but people don’t really give furniture for Christmas . . . do they?

They may. Or, they might embrace the growing trend of experiential gift giving. 30% of shoppers are foregoing traditionally wrapped packages and opting for memory-making experiences instead!

And, because you have a unique offering, you’re perfectly poised to give people the experience of a complete room/home redesign during the holidays. Remember, your time is a luxury item to people in need of your service! Package one-on-one consultations, renovations and refreshes as part of your holiday offering.

Just make sure it’s a pleasure to work with you and your team. Otherwise, people won’t buy the experience.

How do I make shopping my store a pleasure?

  • Make sure you have plenty of employee coverage.

  • Carefully craft a schedule that staggers lunches and breaks.

  • Encourage your staff to take said breaks and practice relaxation techniques.

  • Order lunch or dinner on your busiest days to boost morale.

  • Cheerlead your team.

  • Encourage and reward teamwork.

  • Keep your office/operation supplies stocked and easily accessible.

These simple strategies keep energy high and interactions positive. Because this holiday season isn’t just about the holidays! It’s really a time for you to think about building long-term relationships with people in your community. You want these guests to revisit your store or design center again and again. You want them to tell their friends and office associates how fabulous it is to do business with you.

Anything else?

  1. You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating. Remember that someone else’s bad mood likely has nothing to do with you. Don’t take it personally. They might’ve had a terrible day, the holidays may be excruciatingly painful for them or, they could just be a jerk. The reason doesn’t matter! Put a smile on your face and be kind. In the end, you’re only responsible for your behavior – not theirs. You do your best and let their bad attitude be their business.

  2. Keep candy on hand to sweeten interactions or help parents ply fussy children for more time in the store.

  3. Don’t forget to say THANK YOU.

    • Thank people for making your store a part of their holiday experience.

    • Thank your employees for their time, attention to detail and hard work.

    • Thank your neighbors for sending foot traffic your way and making referrals.

    • Thank your family and friends for being supportive and understanding of your retail career when they’d rather have you at home celebrating with them.

With a little extra effort, you and your team can put more spirit in the season – for yourselves and the people who enter your store! You don’t have to be Cindy Lou Who or even Tiny Tim. All you have to do is crack a smile, share a supportive moment and wish someone happy holidays and a glorious new year!